Announcement of Chinese Language Teaching for the winter semester 23/9/2024 to 15/1/2025

The Confucius Institute was established at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in December 2018 and is a collaborative project between AUTh, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), and the Confucius Institute Headquarters.

The "Confucius Institute" is a non-profit educational organization with the primary goal of contributing to the preservation and dissemination of the intellectual heritage of both countries. Its purposes include teaching and promoting the Chinese language, developing collaborative educational and research programs among universities, and promoting Chinese culture through various cultural and educational events offered to the broader public of AUTh and Thessaloniki.

The winter semester of Chinese language courses for the academic year 2024- 2025 covers the period 23/9/2024 to 15/1/2025.

All students, as well as citizens over 18 interested in enrolling for the winter semester, are kindly requested to until 13/09/2024 carefully read the notice and the registration instructions and fill in the application form on the page - expression of interest form - or by clicking here.

 General Information About Courses: 

  • Classes will be held once (1) a week, with the main language of communication with the teacher being English (unless "Greek" is mentioned in the course).
  • Specifically, three academic hours (40 minutes), once a week, for 15 weeks per semester.
  • At the end of each semester, the final evaluation of the students takes place at the IC of AUTH and a certificate of attendance is issued by the Chinese language teacher. The results of the evaluation do not affect whether one can attend the same or the next course in the next semester.
  • The following adult levels are offered in the 2024-2025 Winter Semester:
    1. Elementary A
    2. Elementary B
    3. Elementary C
    4. Elementary D
    5. Intermediate A
    6. Intermediate B
    7. Intermediate C
    8. Advanced A

Course Programme

See the detailed course schedule table here. →


  • Where mentioned in the programme "online" the course carried out exclusively at a distance of our students, outside of Thessaloniki.
  • Where mentioned in the programme "In person" means that the courses take place in physical presence, on the premises of the Confucius Institute, 32, King Heraklion Street, near Aristotelous Square, on the 8th floor.
  • The face-to-face classes are carried out, if conditions permit, according to the instructions of the AUTH and all protective measures are observed.
  • The Confucius Institute reserves the right to change the programme if necessary, by informing the students.

Cost of the semester

See in detail the cost of Tuition Fees here. →

For questions concerning courses, materials, books, exams and other matters, please contact your teacher in English and only for registration issues at the e-mail address of the IS. 

Student Selection Process & Registration Completion

  • The selection of students is based on the date of completion of the online application and the date of completion of the tuition fees. Priority will be given.
  • Within a reasonable period of time after the submission of the request, an informative message is sent to the applicant as to whether the request has been accepted. The information message will contain all the information on how to complete the registration/payment.
  • Registration is completed with the immediate one-time payment of the tuition fees.
  • In case the fees are not paid, the place is available to the next interested person in the order in which the application form is completed.

Registration Process

Please read carefully the registration instructions in the link below:

Instructions - Registration process →

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In case you wish to register, but you are facing some difficulties, we are at your disposal to contact you by e-mail at

You can stay updated with our news at:

Thank you very much


Confucius Institute Team, AUTH.