Category: Press Releases


1月15日,在希腊亚里士多德大学孔子学院主办的新年切蛋糕活动上,该校外语教学中心负责人马塞乌达基斯教授正式宣布,2024年春季学期,孔子学院将在本校外语教学中心开设4个中文班,学时计入大学总学分。这是亚里士多德大学孔子学院中文课程成功走进外语教学中心并首次成为大学学分课程,也是该校孔院发展过程中的新突破和重要里程碑。 亚里士多德大学孔子学院中方院长鲍晓英、希方院长罗兰均表示,未来孔院将继续扩大教学规模,提高中文教学质量,服务更多对中文、中国文化感兴趣的当地学生,促进中希文化交流。 中文课成为亚里士多德大学正式学分课程 (

Official opening ceremony of the Confucius Institute of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki And the presentation of its publication "Introduction to the World of the Chinese Language Introduction to the world of the Chinese Language 中文导学"

Introduction to the World of Chinese Language

The official inauguration of the Confucius Institute will take place on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 11.00 am, at the Ceremonial Hall of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.The Confucius Institute was founded at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in December 2018 and is a joint venture between the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the...

In Shanghai for the 70th anniversary celebrations of SISU University


ARISTOTELEIO UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONICS PRESS OFFICE Tel. 2310 997158, 2310 997162, 2310 997157, Administration Building "K. Karatheodoris" AUTH, P.O. 541 24, Thessaloniki @Aristoteleio@auth_university_thessaloniki@Auth_University PRESS RELEASE In Shanghai the AUTh_university for the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the University of Thessaloniki...