Chinese New Year 2024

14th Kindergarten of Sikeon

It was with great pleasure that we welcomed today in our kindergarten members of the Confucius Institute of Thessaloniki, Roula Tsokalidou, professor of TEPAE AUTH and director of the Institute, Bao Xiaoying, director from China, Chinese language teachers Lyu Yiwen and Wang Ying and professor Hu An. The visit was planned as part of our Skills Workshop entitled "Exploring the world - monuments of the world" in the CREATE AND INNOVATE - CREATIVE THINKING & INITIATIVE in the SUBJECT: STEM / EDUCATIONAL ROMAIN.

In the workshop we are dealing with China and the Great Wall, among other places and monuments. So we had the opportunity and the mood, motivated and motivated by the children's interest, to learn words, expressions, greetings and songs in Chinese. We had the opportunity to show them to our guest(s) who were thrilled with what we knew!

We danced the dragon dance by stepping into the big dragon we built.

The members of the Institute presented to the children elements of Chinese culture in view of the Chinese New Year celebrated on February 10.

We especially approached the custom 红包 (hónɡ bāo), meaning red envelope, by making a red envelope, In a red envelope in China they put money as a gift on holidays and birthdays, weddings and special occasions. So even on New Year's Day, children enjoy collecting red envelopes with money. Ours was filled with sweets provided by our guests along with an amazing coloring booklet with pictures to color and lots of information about China.

We in turn offered individual paper cups, decorated with elements from Greece and China and wishes for 福 (fú) meaning happiness and Love. Our group construction of a dragon for 2024, which is the Year of the Dragon, will adorn the Confucius Institute!

Today's visit, however, sealed the knowledge and enthusiasm of the children who came into substantial contact with the culture, language and customs of a seemingly distant people.

Perhaps the greatest lesson for all of us is that the goal of human beings is communication, contact and relations between peoples and cultures, and this is what the children realized in practice today, by listening, watching, talking and, above all, by opening their hearts and their arms!

Thank you to the Confucius Institute and all its members! Thank you! 谢谢!

Thank ypu especially Luolan老师, for the special look and for the sensitivity you inspire us!






孔院的国际中文教师则是现场带动孩子们一起演唱中文歌曲《新年好》,孩子们蹦蹦跳跳好不热闹。然后,罗兰院长热情地用希腊语介绍中国新年的习俗和传说。接着,国际中文教师吕宜文现场教孩子们制作手工红包,在全体孔院教师的帮助下,一个个精美的手工红包出现在孩子们稚嫩的小手中。孩子们自己挑选并设计了红包上中国龙的样式,还写下了大大的 "福 "字。孩子们把写有中文祝福的金砖巧克力放进了红包,准备带回家和家人们分享中国新年的喜悦和来自遥远东方的祝福。

