Jan 7th, 2023 HSK(Chinese Proficiency Test) Αnnouncement

What is HSK? Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), an international standardized test of HSK is useful and necessary in terms of:

-providing the necessary qualifications for foreign students to study in China,
-providing the necessary qualifications for applying for Confucius Institute scholarships and summer camps
Chinese language proficiency,assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of9 levels. The basic level is HSK 1.
(as to be announced)
-career building, through the Confucius China Study Program, which includes Joint Research Ph.D. Fellowships and Ph.D. in China fellowships.

When and where will the exams be held?

HSK 1: 13:30 pm (duration: about 40 minutes)
HSK 2: 9:00 am (duration: about 45 minutes)
The examswill be held on Saturday, Jan 7, 2023 at the main campus of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (the exact location to be announced in time).
(duration: about 100 minutes)
Confucius Institute AUTh, as one of the HSK test centers, opens HSK 1, HSK 2 All exams are in a paper format.

Who can take the test?

Anyone can take this HSK test. NOT LIMITED to Confucius Institute registered students.

Is there an exam fee?

The exam fee is as follows:
HSK 1:50 euros, HSK 2:60 euros

How to register and take the test?

1.Test takers log into the Chinese testing service website (www.chinesetest.cn), find the
HSK test center “Confucius Institute at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki”, select and register the HSK level you wish to attend.
2. Please pay the test fee before Dec 5th,2022.If no test fee is received by the Center after
the deadline, your test reservation will be automatically cancelled.
3.Please carefully check to ensure your information is true and correct. If any information is
found in correct and the test fee has not been paid yet, please log into the Personal Information Center to update your personal information; if the fee has been paid, please contact us to confirm your registration information. Please email a copy of your payment proof (in a pdf format) to confucius-institute@auth.gr.
4. Your admission ticket will be ready on Monday of the testing week and it can be found and
printed οn your personal information center.

How to prepare?

CI-AUTh provides previous official HSK 1/2/examination papers and HSK vocabulary book
for you to download. More information please contact us.

(www.chinesetest.cn) and enter their test admission ticket number, as well as their name, to view the test scores. Printed official test score reports will be delivered to CI-AUTh 45 days after the test day. Test takers can obtain them from there by presenting their test admission ticket and ID When will I get the test scores and score report?
On Feb 1 , 2023 , test takers can log into the Chinese testing service website documents.

How and when to pay?

Only bank transfer is accepted. The bank information is shown as below. Please note that when you transfer the test fee please add your information as notes in few words in this form: “name-HSK-99512”
Exact name and address of the account holder:
Name and address of the bank branch:
Bank account number:
Currency code:Euro
International Bank Account (IBAN)
GR98 0172 2020 0052 0200 2079 933
Code BIC (SWIFT address) (obligatory)
Name of the Covering Bank (Euro): DEUTSCHE BANK A.G.
V.A.T. : EL 090049627
Please note you need to pay before Dec 5, 2022.

Who to contact?

Lyu laoshi -Mobile phone: (30)6943716458;Email: lyuyiwen@outlook.com
More information, you will be announced via email after your registration.